The Colorado Civil Rights Commission ("CCRC") is a seven-member, bipartisan board whose mission is to:
- Conduct hearings regarding illegal discriminatory practices.
- Advise the Governor and General Assembly regarding policies and legislation that address illegal discrimination.
- Review appeals of cases investigated and dismissed by the Civil Rights Division.
- Adopt and amend administrative rules and regulations to be followed in the enforcement of Colorado's Anti-Discrimination Act.
Matters concerning open investigations or appeals before the CCRC are confidential, and information can only be shared with the parties of any specific case and with those parties' representatives.
Protection of Pregnant People in Perinatal Period
Senate Bill 21-193 requires the Colorado Civil Rights Commission to receive reports from people alleging maternity care that is not organized for, and provided to, a person who is pregnant or in the postpartum period in a manner that is culturally congruent; maintains the person's dignity, privacy, and confidentiality; ensures freedom from harm and mistreatment; and enables informed choices and continuous support. Read more about the act here, and file a report below.
Commissioners Currently Serving on the Colorado Civil Rights Commission
Sergio Raudel Cordova, Democrat, serving as a representative of an employee association that represents workers in Colorado, Littleton (term expires: 3/13/27)
Charles Garcia, Unaffiliated, serving as a representative of the community at large, Denver (term expires: 3/13/25)
Geta Asfaw, Unaffiliated, serving as a majority business owner with employees numbering more than 50, Highlands Ranch (term expires: 3/13/27)
Mayuko Fieweger, Unaffiliated, serving as a representative statewide chamber of commerce, Thornton (term expires: 3/13/28)
Daniel S. Ward, Unaffiliated, serving as a majority business owner with employees numbering between 5-50, Centennial, (term expires 3/13/27)
Commission Meetings & Agenda
The Commission meets to develop policy and hear appeals in discrimination cases. Unless otherwise announced, the Colorado Civil Rights Commission holds meetings on the fourth Friday of the month at 1560 Broadway, Denver, CO 80202 (meetings are currently being held virtually in light of COVID-19 precautions) beginning at 10 a.m. If you would like to attend and require a reasonable accommodation, please email:
- Upcoming Commission Meetings
(Agendas will be linked the week of the Commission meeting.)
Past Commission Meetings
- 2025
- 2024
- 2023
**January 12, 2023 (Special Meeting)
**August 3, 2023 (Special Meeting)
- 2022
- 2021
July 23, 2021
About the Composition of the Commission
Commissioners are appointed by the Governor and confirmed by the state Senate to serve four-year terms. They are selected from across Colorado and represent both political parties. The Commission consists of seven (7) members. In light of House Bill 18-1256, which amended C.R.S. 24-34-303 (1) and (2) effective July 1, 2018, the membership of the Commission shall be comprised as follows:
One Member must be the majority owner of a small business (defined as a business employing between five and fifty employees).
One Member must be the majority owner of a large business (defined as a business employing more than fifty employees).
One Member must represent a statewide chamber of commerce or other statewide organization representing business and industry.
Three Members must be from or represent employee associations that represent workers in Colorado.
One Member must be from the community at large.
In addition to the above qualifications for membership, Commission Membership must include:
At least four members who are members of groups of people who have been or who might be discriminated against because of disability, race, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, ancestry, marital status, region, or age.
No more than six members who are affiliated with a major political party, and no more than three members who are affiliated with the same political party.
Members from various geographical areas of the State of Colorado as is practicable.